Transfert agenda google vers calendrier partagé 365 (en)

On s'inspire de ce qui va suivre à la fin, mais on évite l'import en utilisant le lien de partage de l'agenda gmail

  • clic droit sur l'agenda puis  "parametres et partage"

  • descendre en bas de page, chercher l'adresse de partage secrete et copier le lien

  • Dans votre outlook, abonnez vous a cet agenda google :

  • Ensuite vous suivez ce guide en anglais :
5.  Right click on the calendar you just imported and select Open in New Window

6.  Select View > Change View > List

7.  You should now have a window displaying the source .ics caldendar in list view

8.  You must be a member of the destination Microsoft 365 group for it’s calendar to show up in Outlook
9.  Right click on the destination 365 Group calendar and select Open in New Window
10.  Select View > Change View > List
11.  You should now have a window displaying the destination 365 Group calendar in list view
12.  Arrange your windows so that the source calendar is on the left and the destination is on the right
13.  Select any event on the source calendar, then press CTRL + A to select all
14.  Click and Drag the selected events from the .ics source calendar on the left to the 365 Group destination calendar on the right.
15.  A pop up will appear with some copy options, I used Copy
16.  The calendar entries should copy to the 365 Group calendar